Northern Michigan Inquiry Hub
Compelling Question: How Can Your Money Work For You?
Supporting Questions:
1. How can you grow your personal wealth in the face of scarcity?
2. What opportunity costs are experienced int he present to ensure wealth in the
3. “Work smarter, not harder”. How can this quote be explained in terms of opportunity
cost and scarcity?
High School
Compelling Question: Can the United States economy support financial stability for all of its citizens?
Supporting Questions:
1) What economic responsibilities, if any, should our national government have?
2) What are the intended outcomes of taxing, cutting taxes, and spending by our national government?
3) What elements do economists identify as making a strong economy?
High School
Compelling Question: Do I need money to get the things I want?
Supporting Questions:
1) What are needs and wants?
2) What are goods and services?
3) How do people trade/barter for goods and services?
4) What makes a trade fair?